The Bodensee Players Fall 2012 Production was:

"House on the Cliff"
by George Batson

It was presented on November 6, 9, 10, 12, 14 and 16 in the Atrium theatre.Read the SÜDKURIER review.


House on the Cliff

Karen Denise Werner-Schnurr
Doctor Lane Sean Morgan
Ellen Clayton Maren Matthes
Jenny Iris Egger
Nurse Pepper Steff Kretschmer
Corey Phillips Mathias von Alberti
Director Gabi Gerdau
Assistant Director Doris Sieber
Producer Allen Hainer





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House on the Cliff

by George Batson

John Clayton stirbt bei einem verhängnisvollen Autounfall, seine Tochter Ellen sitzt seitdem im Rollstuhl. Ellen hat das Vermögen ihres Vaters geerbt und lebt  immer in Behandlung durch den Hausarzt  zusammen mit ihrer Stiefmutter und einer ernsten Haushälterin in einem abgeschiedenen Haus auf einer Klippe mit Blick auf den Ärmelkanal. Ellen gibt sich die Schuld am Tod ihres Vaters und scheint sich nicht wirklich zu erholen, bis der Vertretungsarzt eintrifft. Doktor Phillips glaubt daran, dass Ellen laufen kann; mit Hilfe von Nurse Pepper  einer fröhlichen, neugierigen Pflegerin, die alles wieder ins Lot bringen will  macht er sich daran, dass es Ellen besser geht. Gerade als Ellen anfängt, sich zu erholen, verschwinden im Haus Gegenstände, Geheimgänge öffnen und schließen sich, und ein Mitglied des Haushalts findet ein kaltes, unerwartetes Ende.

House on the Cliff

by George Batson

A fateful car accident causes the sudden death of John Clayton and confines his daughter Ellen to a wheelchair. Having inherited her father's estate, Ellen lives in a remote house on a cliff overlooking the English Channel with her stepmother, and an austere housekeeper, under the treatment of the family doctor. Ellen blames herself for the death of her father and makes little sign of recovery, until the substitute Doctor arrives. Doctor Phillips believes that Ellen can walk and, with the help of Nurse Pepper - a cheerful, curious person wishing to put things in order - sets about helping Ellen get well. Just as Ellen shows signs of recuperation, things around the house disappear, secret passages open and close, and a member of the household meets a cold and unexpected end.


Jean is preparing a birthday dinner for her mild-mannered accountant husband Henry.  Good friends Betty and Vic are expected any minute, and Jean is frantic because Henry is late.  When he eventually arrives, Jean finds him not quite the man he used to be.  He wants to emigrate to Barcelona immediately, and with good reason: the briefcase he accidentally picked up on the Underground is stuffed with bundles of fifty pound notes amounting to £735,000!  But if getting the money was easy, keeping it proves harder, as not one but two police inspectors call and Henry, Vic, Betty and a bemused (and tipsy) Jean are forced into a frantic game of cat and mouse.  Hilarious innuendo and cruelly funny turns of fate ensue as the two couples assume all sorts of identities in their battle to keep the money.  Will they succeed?  The cabby Bill has the answer!

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