The Bodensee Players Fall 2015 Production was:

"Ski Whizz"
by Richard Ingham.

It was presented on November 10, 13, 14, 17 and 20 at 20:00 in the Atrium Theater.  There was also a special matinée performance on November 15 at 15:00.


Ernst Edelbaum Walter Nägele
Leslie Bookett Leon Rolls
Philipp Butler David Spanner
Jenny Lorrimer Maren Matthes
Helen Francisca Weber
Cecily Lacock Sharon Hainer
Director Stephanie Kretschmer
Producer Carol Callery




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Ski Whizz

von Richard Ingham

Eröffnung in Ernst Edelbaums Hotel und schon jetzt läuft alles schief. Seine englische Nichte Leslie entpuppt sich als männlicher Punk, die meisten seiner Gäste kommen gar nicht erst - außer Jenny, auf der Suche nach der großen Liebe, und Philipp, der versucht, vor der Liebe davonzulaufen. Außerdem steht der Reiseveranstalter kurz davor herauszufinden, dass die vertraglich geforderte Ehefrau von Ernst gar nicht existiert und als die resolute Miss Lacock eintrifft, kann der Skikurs endlich beginnen … ein unterhaltsames Winterstück.

Ski Whizz

by Richard Ingham

It is the opening day of Ernst Edelbaum’s Hotel and already things are going wrong. His English niece turns out to be Leslie, a male punk, most of his guests don’t arrive - except for plain Jenny who is looking for love and Philip who tries to escape from love. Furthermore, the tour company is about to discover that Ernst's required wife doesn’t exist and when rigid Miss Lacock arrives, the ski lessons can finally start. The fun continues into a hilarious farce.


Jean is preparing a birthday dinner for her mild-mannered accountant husband Henry.  Good friends Betty and Vic are expected any minute, and Jean is frantic because Henry is late.  When he eventually arrives, Jean finds him not quite the man he used to be.  He wants to emigrate to Barcelona immediately, and with good reason: the briefcase he accidentally picked up on the Underground is stuffed with bundles of fifty pound notes amounting to £735,000!  But if getting the money was easy, keeping it proves harder, as not one but two police inspectors call and Henry, Vic, Betty and a bemused (and tipsy) Jean are forced into a frantic game of cat and mouse.  Hilarious innuendo and cruelly funny turns of fate ensue as the two couples assume all sorts of identities in their battle to keep the money.  Will they succeed?  The cabby Bill has the answer!

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