The Bodensee Players 28th production was:

"Funny Money"
by Ray Cooney.

It was presented in the Atrium Theater on May 31 and June 1, 4, 6, 9, 2011



Funny Money

Henry Marlon Brown
Jean Denise Werner-Schnurr
Vic Florian van Keulen
Betty Sam Kretschmer
Davenport Markus Heizmann
Slater Jan Wolter
Bill Erik Jensen
Passer-by Noah Hainer
Producer Erik Jensen
Director Steff Kretschmer





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Funny Money

by Ray Cooney

Jean ist mitten in den Vorbereitungen zu einer Dinnerparty anlässlich des Geburtstags ihres Mannes Henry, eines sanftmütigen Buchhalters. Ihre guten Freunde Betty und Vic sollten jeden Moment eintreffen und Jean ist ganz außer sich, weil Henry spät dran ist. Als er dann endlich auftaucht, stellt Jean fest, dass er völlig von der Rolle ist. Er will sofort nach Barcelona auswandern - dafür gibt es auch einen guten Grund: Die Aktentasche, die er versehentlich in der U-Bahn mitgenommen hat, ist randvoll mit 50-Pfund-Scheinen im Wert von £735.000!

Aber so einfach es war, an das Geld heranzukommen, so schwer ist es, dieses zu behalten, denn nicht nur ein, sondern gleich zwei Polizeikommissare tauchen auf und zwingen Henry, Vic, Betty und die leicht angeheiterte Jean zu einem wilden Katz-und-Maus-Spiel.

Das Stück ist gespickt mit heiteren Anspielungen und lustigen Schicksalswenden, während beide Paare die verschiedensten Identitäten annehmen, in der Hoffnung, das Geld behalten zu können. Werden sie damit Erfolg haben? Taxifahrer Bill hat die Antwort!

Funny Money

by Ray Cooney

Jean is preparing a birthday dinner for her mild-mannered accountant husband Henry.  Good friends Betty and Vic are expected any minute, and Jean is frantic because Henry is late.  When he eventually arrives, Jean finds him not quite the man he used to be.  He wants to emigrate to Barcelona immediately, and with good reason: the briefcase he accidentally picked up on the Underground is stuffed with bundles of fifty pound notes amounting to £735,000!

But if getting the money was easy, keeping it proves harder, as not one but two police inspectors call and Henry, Vic, Betty and a bemused (and tipsy) Jean are forced into a frantic game of cat and mouse.

Hilarious innuendo and cruelly funny turns of fate ensue as the two couples assume all sorts of identities in their battle to keep the money.  Will they succeed?  The cabby Bill has the answer!


Jean is preparing a birthday dinner for her mild-mannered accountant husband Henry.  Good friends Betty and Vic are expected any minute, and Jean is frantic because Henry is late.  When he eventually arrives, Jean finds him not quite the man he used to be.  He wants to emigrate to Barcelona immediately, and with good reason: the briefcase he accidentally picked up on the Underground is stuffed with bundles of fifty pound notes amounting to £735,000!  But if getting the money was easy, keeping it proves harder, as not one but two police inspectors call and Henry, Vic, Betty and a bemused (and tipsy) Jean are forced into a frantic game of cat and mouse.  Hilarious innuendo and cruelly funny turns of fate ensue as the two couples assume all sorts of identities in their battle to keep the money.  Will they succeed?  The cabby Bill has the answer!

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