The Bodensee Players Spring 2014 Production was:

"The Maginot Line"
by Emmett Loverde

It was presented on May 14, 16, 17, 18, 20 and 23 at 8pm in the Atrium theatre.



The Maginot Line

Kelly Maginot Maren Matthes
Brigitte Maginot Steff Kretschmer
Lili Vance Tamara Renatin
Zoe Descartes Denise Werner-Schnurr
Lorraine Davis Raphaela Fontana
Mike Maginot Leon Rolls
Enrique Walter Nägele
Director Gabi Gerdau
Producer Allen Hainer
Prompt Andrea Leute




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The Maginot Line

by Emmett Loverde

Kelly Maginot organisiert für ihre Freundinnen die perfekte Dinner-Party  zumindest glaubt sie das! Dummerweise ist auch ihre unmögliche Mutter, Brigitte, zu Besuch. Außerdem hat ihr Bruder eine heimliche Beziehung mit ihrer Freundin Zoe, die gerade ihren Job gekündigt hat. Ihre andere Freundin Lorraine hat ihre Hochzeitspläne auf unbestimmte Zeit auf Eis gelegt und ihr sexy Beinahe-Freund Enrique will ihr ausgerechnet an diesen Abend seine tiefgründige Liebe gestehen. Nur leider spricht er kaum Englisch - und Kelly versteht sein Spanisch auch nicht wirklich. Wird Kelly diesen Abend heil überstehen oder verliert sie die Nerven? Rastet sie völlig aus und stößt damit alle vor den Kopf? Kurz gesagt: Wird sie etwa wie ihre Mutter?

The Maginot Line

by Emmett Loverde

Kelly Maginot is throwing her girlfriends the perfect dinner party...or so she thinks. Her impossible mother, Brigitte, is in town. Plus her brother is secretly dating her friend Zoe, who just quit her job, her other friend Lorrie has postponed a wedding, and her sexy almost-boyfriend Enrique has picked tonight of all nights to declare his undying love for her even though he can't speak English and she can't speak whatever language he's using. Will Kelly make it through the evening in one piece or will she fly off the handle, pitch a fit, push people's buttons, and completely alienate everyone -- in short, will she become her mother??.


Jean is preparing a birthday dinner for her mild-mannered accountant husband Henry.  Good friends Betty and Vic are expected any minute, and Jean is frantic because Henry is late.  When he eventually arrives, Jean finds him not quite the man he used to be.  He wants to emigrate to Barcelona immediately, and with good reason: the briefcase he accidentally picked up on the Underground is stuffed with bundles of fifty pound notes amounting to £735,000!  But if getting the money was easy, keeping it proves harder, as not one but two police inspectors call and Henry, Vic, Betty and a bemused (and tipsy) Jean are forced into a frantic game of cat and mouse.  Hilarious innuendo and cruelly funny turns of fate ensue as the two couples assume all sorts of identities in their battle to keep the money.  Will they succeed?  The cabby Bill has the answer!

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