The Bodensee Players Spring 2016 Production was:

"Dead End"
by Alan Crocker
produced in arrangement with Jasper Publishing Ltd.

It was presented on June 22, 23, 24 and 25 at 20:00 in the Casino Theatre.


Cordelia Barbour Claudia Meyer
Phoebe Renton Chrissi Nägele
Amanda Wardle Blair Russell
Nicholas James Robbie Russell
Director Maren Matthes
Producer Stephanie Kretschmer




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Dead End

von Alan Crocker

Cordelia und Phoebe sind zwei alternde Schwestern im Ruhestand. Zunächst freuen sie sich, als mit Amanda und Nick ein ruhiges, jungen Pärchen im Nebenhaus einzieht. Doch dann gerät ihr geregeltes Leben aus den Fugen. Lang verborgene Geheimnisse kommen ans Licht und das harmonische Zusammenleben bekommt Brüche. Wer spielt ein falsches Spiel? Wer missbraucht wessen Vertrauen? Wann kommt die Wahrheit über die Vergangenheit zur Sprache? Die sorgfältig gehütete bürgerliche Fassade bröckelt und fällt im letzten Akt mit einem lauten Donnerhall in sich zusammen.

Dead End

by Alan Crocker

Two retired sisters, Cordelia and Phoebe, are happy when Amanda and Nick, a quiet young couple, move in as their new next door neighbours. But what surprises lie ahead for their calm everyday life! Long hidden secrets are uncovered, and the harmonious life together goes to pieces. Who is playing false? Who is misusing whose trust? When will the truth of the past come to light? Some things are happening behind the curtain, shattering the calm, and they will bring the final curtain crashing down.


Jean is preparing a birthday dinner for her mild-mannered accountant husband Henry.  Good friends Betty and Vic are expected any minute, and Jean is frantic because Henry is late.  When he eventually arrives, Jean finds him not quite the man he used to be.  He wants to emigrate to Barcelona immediately, and with good reason: the briefcase he accidentally picked up on the Underground is stuffed with bundles of fifty pound notes amounting to £735,000!  But if getting the money was easy, keeping it proves harder, as not one but two police inspectors call and Henry, Vic, Betty and a bemused (and tipsy) Jean are forced into a frantic game of cat and mouse.  Hilarious innuendo and cruelly funny turns of fate ensue as the two couples assume all sorts of identities in their battle to keep the money.  Will they succeed?  The cabby Bill has the answer!

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